Friday, October 23, 2009

14.17 mile run last night in the rain and dark, as much as that sounds like it would suck it was actually pretty peaceful!  It was weird being in Washington Park with no one around!  Not sure what the plan is today.  I will probably hit the gym for core and legs, then work on the bike to get it ready for the Spooky DU Sunday!  Running with wet shoes and clothes was like wearing weights so hopefully it will help next time and I don’t end up sick!  As I said before it was like dancing in the shower just have a destination in mind!


Don’t forget Frost Toes meet tomorrow at CMT at 7am for a 6mile run!!  I am debating on sleeping in or not!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not running today, but may do some leg work at home tonight. My run Wed really wore me out. Probably won't run tomorrow either but will go for a short ride to try out the bike. Since I'm doing double duty on Sunday I'm doing a quick taper.
