Friday, November 6, 2009

Final Proof on Shirts

I've approved the shirts and they should be working on them.  On schedule for delivery by 11/18.  About $50 a person.

Your Head Here

Back of your
Head Here


  1. I thought that my wife and I went the only Goofy people around Springfield. It is nice to know that we are not the only ones. Is your foursome all guys or did you find some goofy girls to join in on the fun? Wow! It looks like you guys are putting in alot of miles. It looks like a couple of you are around 27-28 years old. We are in our early 50's (old farts compared to you).

    We signed up early for the challenge and even planned to run Oct 17 Indy Marathon as a traning run but I broke an ankle on Sept 17. Our expectations have change. We now are in the survival mode. We are planning to meet the requirements and have fun during the 1/2 marathon on Saturday and then see what happens on Sunday's full marathon.
    We need to get together some weekend and run together, schedules permitting. I am planning to run Frostbite.
    See you on the road sometime!
    Gary Wessel
    My wife's name is Bobbie

  2. We have one girl with us. We have been really hitting the miles, and so far it's been paying off. Feeling pretty good about it all. Really the requirements only say 3.5 hours on the half and 7 on the full. So with a good amount of walking it should be possible to finish it still. If things continue we may end up running both. We'll see.
